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What are the health benefits of Swarna Prashana

  • Posted by:medayu

Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) contains pure gold in the form of ash and some other herbs that are known to enhance the immune power of the body. Infants and children up to the age of 5 years have a low Immunity and hence are vulnerable to infections. Administration of Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) in recommended doses can help to build a strong Immunity and reduce chances of common infections such as cough, cold and fever.

Enhances Memory

Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) can improve attention and the grasping power in children. It is also known to enhance the memory. Swarna Prashana (Suvarna Prashana) seems to be very important for improving brain health in children.

Improves Digestion

Swarna Prashan accelerates the process of digestion and hence improves the absorption of essential nutrients from food. Many children often suffer from gastric discomfort and reduced appetite. Swarna Prashan improves appetite and thus promotes healthy body growth.